Does the department offer a graduate program in Chemical Biology? 

Yes. Many of the BMSB faculty participate in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemical Biology Specialization. BMSB students can participate in this program. You can also enter this program if you join the Chemistry PhD program.

How many students enroll in the BMSB PhD program each year? 

 Around 10 to 15 students enroll in the BMSB program each year. 

UCLA also has a Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology (BBSB) PhD program. How does it differ from the BMSB program?  

The BBSB is a home area within a larger umbrella-style graduate program in the biosciences. The BBSB enrolls ~1 to 5 students each year.  Our program is affiliated with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and enrolls ~10 to 15 students each year. Both are outstanding programs.